Monday 24 October 2016

Trying my hand at writing

There are many things we can do to be productive and active.   Sometimes it is actually moving, sometimes it is just moving your fingers and your brain.

I have always enjoyed spending time writing.  It helps me think.   It helps me work through thoughts and feelings that I have not spent time acknowledging. 

This process is at times a lost art in all of us.   We forget that our insides sometimes need to be outside and shared.   Shared that we are not the only ones that have these types of thoughts and feelings.

Sometimes we don't do this because we are afraid that we will be made fun of, that our thoughts and feelings are wrong and people would make fun of us if we actually said what we thought.

We can continue to be afraid of sharing our thoughts and feelings, but, what happens then?   The hamster wheel of emotions runs faster and we think of all the things that could happen, of the things we are doing wrong, of the things that we should have done better.  

The best thought I have is to be brave, say how you feel.   Write it down, sing it out, play it out on an instrument, talk to a friend, talk to yourself(that one actually sounds crazy, but, have a two way conversation with yourself and be your best devils' advocate.)

Be brave, be strong and try something new or pick it up from something you used to do.   Nothing will be gotten from not trying.

Moving down a path

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